How to Bake Perfectly Chewy Cookies

When it comes to cookies, the chewy texture often reigns supreme for many cookie lovers. The right combination of ingredients and techniques can turn a simple cookie into a delightful, chewy masterpiece. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you bake the perfect chewy cookies every time!

  1. Choose the Right Ingredients

– Butter: Use unsalted butter for better control over the salt content. Make sure to soften it slightly, but do not melt it completely, as melted butter can lead to greasy cookies.

– Sugars: Combine both brown and white sugars. Brown sugar contains molasses, which helps create moisture and chewiness, while granulated sugar helps the cookies spread properly.

– Eggs: Use large eggs. The eggs add moisture and structure. Consider using an extra yolk for added richness and chewiness.

– Flour: All-purpose flour is the best choice for chewy cookies. Avoid using cake flour, as it has too much protein and can lead to a more delicate texture.

– Cornstarch: Adding a bit of cornstarch (about 1-2 teaspoons) can help create a softer, chewier texture by affecting the protein structure of the dough.

  1. Measurements Matter

Accurate measurements are key to achieving the desired texture. Use a kitchen scale for precise measurements, especially for flour and sugar. The scoop-and-sweep method often leads to excess flour, which can dry out your cookies.

  1. Mixing Techniques

– Creaming Butter and Sugars: Start by creaming the softened butter and sugars together until fluffy. This process incorporates air, leading to a proper cookie rise. Don’t overmix your batter once you add the flour; mix just until combined to avoid a tough texture.

– Add Dry Ingredients Gradually: Combine dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, salt, and cornstarch) in a separate bowl before gradually adding them to the wet ingredients. This ensures an even mix without overworking the dough.

  1. Chill the Dough

Chill your cookie dough for at least 30 minutes (or up to overnight) before baking. Chilling helps the fats solidify, which results in less spreading during baking and encourages a chewy texture.

  1. Portioning the Cookies

– Uniform Size: Use a cookie scoop or tablespoons to create cookie portions of even size. This ensures that the cookies bake uniformly.

– Shape the Cookies: Slightly round and flatten the dough balls before baking. This technique helps achieve a chewy texture while still allowing for a nice, golden exterior.

  1. Temperature Control

– Oven Temperature: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Using an oven thermometer can help ensure that your oven is at the right temperature, as poorly calibrated ovens can lead to uneven baking.

– Baking Times: Bake the cookies for a shorter time (8-12 minutes) depending on size. Remove the cookies from the oven when the edges are set but the center is still slightly soft. They will continue to cook on the baking sheet after being removed.

  1. Cooling the Cookies

Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for 5-10 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack. This resting time helps them set and enhances chewiness.

  1. Experiment with Add-Ins

Customize your chewy cookies by adding mix-ins like chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruits. Just ensure you do not add too many to avoid compromising the batter consistency.


By following these tips and techniques, you can craft perfectly chewy cookies that are soft, flavorful, and downright delightful. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to adjust your recipe based on your oven’s preferences and your taste. Enjoy your baking adventure and happy chewing!